Marlon Familton, MA LMHC
1601 116th Ave NE, Ste. 102
Bellevue, WA  98004

Putting it All Together - Step 6


Time to put it all together.  This part is where the rubber hits the road.  You might try creating a paper outline and keep it in front of you until memorized. It might look something like this:


Daily Routine


Listen to Gamma brainwave music in the background.

  1. Tap on two to three negative thoughts or feelings from your list of ten. 

  2. Listen to a guided meditation or mediate on your Two Words.  Inhale using your first energy word, exhale thinking the second. (2-4 mins)

  3. Gratitude.  Think about what you are grateful to have in your life (not satisfied, just grateful).  Feel the feelings of gratitude for “what is” in your life.  (two to four things, 2-4 mins)

  4. Affirmations. Recite two or three affirmations repeating each three times.  Work to increase your feelings about them each time. (3-5 mins)

    1. “I am so happy and grateful now that _______________________.”

    2. Imagine being, having, experiencing, enjoying whatever outcome you want.

  5. Visualizations.  Review images from your vision board in your mind and feel the feelings of achieving, having, experiencing, enjoying each one.  Do not feel the feelings of needing or wanting, feel the feelings of already possessing or experiencing the accomplishment.

*At any time if you have a negative, doubtful, intrusive, or distracting thought, pause and quickly use EFT on that thought or belief, then return to your mental rehearsal.

How to finish your mental rehearsal

Having a way to end your mental rehearsal and make the transition back is helpful.  I use a simple mantra.  Feel free to use any or all of it for yourself.  Place both hands over your heart and repeat your mantra three times.  Mine is, "I am healthy, successful, wealthy and giving."

Commitment required

Remember, if you are tending to the same thoughts and feelings as you have always had, you will have the same outcomes that you have always had.  This will not work unless you actually employ it with consistency. Commit to this for 15 to 20 minutes daily for a minimum of thirty days, ideally ninety days. Yes, ninety days!  I will bet that after the first seven you will be feeling a lot better in general and will want to continue.  Keep a journal somewhere and write in a quick note about your experience each day.

Create your day

Dr. Joe Dispenza become well known for a segment in the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know? for talking about how he creates his day.  This mental rehearsal program is all about creating your day and creating your life.  Here is that clip on YouTube.  Here is what he says.

"When I create my day, and out of nowhere little things happen that are so unexplainable, I know that they are the result of my creation and the more I do that, the more I build a neural net to accept this is possible.  This gives me the power and incentive to do it the next day."

Set your self up for surprise and confidence.  Start your mental rehearsal by saying, "I am taking this time to create my day. I know you (speaking to your higher self) are watching me the whole time I am doing this.  Show me a sign that you paid attention to any one of the things I created, and bring them in a way that I won’t expect so I am surprised at my ability to create these things and so I have no doubt they have come from you."

When things happen to you that start bringing about that which you strive to create, you will be both amazed and excited.  When that happens, email me and share your experience. You can create your life, you can create your world in a way that brings joy and happiness, but you must take action. This mental rehearsal program is a big first step in taking action.


Intro page

Step 1 - EFT Tapping

Step 2 - Meditation

Step 3 - Gratitude

Step 4 - Affirmations

Step 5 - Visualizations