Marlon Familton, MA LMHC
1601 116th Ave NE, Ste. 102
Bellevue, WA  98004

Affirmations That Create Change - Step 4


Your subconscious beliefs and many of the resulting thoughts that flow from them were planted day after day, week after week, month after month, for years.  Repetition is how this happened.  Therefore, repetition is one of the key strategies to intentionally plant positive thoughts and feelings in your brain.

Affirmations are simple phrases that capture positive thoughts to draw what you want to attract to your life.  It is both helpful and powerful for you to write them out at first. As you do this, also note the negative discouraging statements your brain will toss out in an effort to sabotage you.  Can you notice those statements?  You might be surprised how intense they are. 

Create an affirmation

An affirmation starts with a positive statement of doing or being.  Here is what it looks like: "I am so happy and grateful now that ______________________."  You get to fill in the blank.  Do so with an outcome that you want to have, be or experience.  Let's say you want a new house.  You would then add, ". . . now that I am living in this house."  "This" could be a quick description that cues your mind to imagine that particular house.  What if you wanted to attract a good relationship?  "I am so happy and grateful now that I am in a loving relationship and feeling cherished."  You can add whatever you want.

Create two or three affirmations that include a situation, event, person, thing, etc., that you want to attract.  A house, a car, a specific amount of money, a person, a job, whatever you want.  Choose something that elicits happy or excited emotions. Be sure it is a positive, not a negative.  For example, "I am so happy and grateful now that I have financial freedom" is better than, " . . . now that I am do not have any debt." 

Add it to your meditation

Once you have created two or three affirmations that describe the outcome you want, it is time to add them to your meditation routine.  After the two words and gratitude, in your mind or in a whisper, state your affirmation. I suggest repeating each one three times, all the while imagining the experience and feelings of living it as happening or already happened.  If I were to use a house, as I state the affirmation "I am so happy and grateful now that I live in and enjoy my house."  "My house" = a specific house you can envision. I will be imagining being in that house, walking around and feeling the feelings of being there and being happy and grateful to be there. Experience being, having, or doing in your mind's eye and feel the feelings you would have. Your ability to do this will get stronger.  One day you'll feel a rush of energy and joy that might surprise you.  I'll bet you a nickel you also get ideas on taking action to transform this into reality.

Negative thoughts of doubt

Imagine wearing headphones 24/7 that spew out the negative stuff that you might hear.  Guess what, you might already be experiencing that, but we will change this for you in this program.

Remember, as you hear thoughts of doubt or sabotage write them down. Then either as they come up in your meditation or right after, use the EFT tapping from Step 1 and start working to clear them out.  Once you state an affirmation you might hear your brain say, "That will never happen."  "You'll never get that house." "That's way beyond you." Or, worse!  Tap on those thoughts so they will not sabotage your efforts.  If you get too many to deal with, modify your affirmation by making it a choice.  "I am so happy and grateful, now that I choose to _____________________ ."

Here is a fun video that explains some of where those negative doubts come from in our brain.  This is a YouTube video called, "Is your Brain Sabotaging Your Success."

When you have added the affirmations to your meditation for a few days, Email me and let me know how your experience has been with this exercise.



Intro page

Step 1 - EFT Tapping

Step 2 - Meditation

Step 3 - Gratitude

Step 5 - Visualizations

Step 6 - Putting it all together