Marlon Familton, MA LMHC
1601 116th Ave NE, Ste. 102
Bellevue, WA  98004
Better Mental Health If you can hold it in your mind, you can attract it to your life.

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Visualizations Bring Change - Step 5


How our Brain works

Our five senses are exposed to too much information for everything we see, touch, hear, smell, feel and taste to be brought to our conscious awareness.  Imagine talking to someone and paying the same level of attention to the door knob, the chairs, the ice in the glass and everything else we hear and see, as you are to what the person you are with is saying, what emotions they express, and what you are thinking about.  The reticular cortex in our brain is designed to bring to our conscious awareness information that is important to us and filter out what is not.

In practice this is magical.  If you were to decide that you really want a new blue Volkswagen and need to save to get it, you will start to notice Volkswagens, blue Volkswagens, advertisements for Volkswagens and you'll even be more aware of spending money that could go towards getting what you want. Your brain will tune into anything that might be relevant to this desire.  This is why written goals are so important because it helps your brain focus on bringing to your attention whatever might help you reach that goal.

There is another level, actually more of a rabbit hole.  Quantum physics postulates that since we are all energy at a sub molecular level, we are all connected. Therefore if you are resonating with an emotion and an idea, a want, the universe will begin to shift in a way to bring that outcome or what you want to you. 

When you add visualization, or mental rehearsal, to your meditation you are in a happy calm place visualizing, or (rehearsing the experience) something you want to have, be or experience.  You will be amazed when seemingly completely out of the blue, things start to happen to bring this into your reality.  Without going down that rabbit hole any further, how about I suggest that you simply hedge your bets and be willing to experiment with this.  Add a small desire as an experiment, but do include big things too.  Also remember that when you imagine having something big, like a Ferrari, your brain will spout out negative doubtful messages. Be sure to tap on them to keep them from sabotaging your efforts.

This is very similar to the previous step of Affirmations. In fact it is no different.  Here I am simply creating the opportunity for you to build a list of persons, places, or things you want to attract into your life by having a more whole vision for who you want to be and how you want your life to go.  Don't get side tracked by the difference, just go for it.

Exercise: Create a Vision Board

Make a list of five to ten things, places, experiences, or aspects of your self or life you want to create.  These could be a regular or dream vacation, hobbies or adventures, weight loss or self-improvement, a car, boat, house, whatever you want. Then look around the internet to find a graphic that represents each idea.  Copy and paste them to a folder to use as a slide show when you mediate.  Or even better, print and mount them on something so you can hang it up in a visible place.  Here is a great website on building a vision board.

Adding Visualizations to your mediation

When you mediate, after the two words, gratitude and your affirmations, shift into imagining having, being or doing each of these.  Do not long for them, or stay in a place of wanting.  Imagine actually having, experiencing or being these along with the feelings you believe you would have.  I like to open my computer and run a slide show of the pictures I have selected in my vision board to help me see details.

Here is Dr. Joe Dispenza talking about mentally rehearsing. 

For example, when I wanted a particular car, I would rehearse having it along with all the thoughts, feelings and experiences, of buying it, driving it home, having it in my driveway. I would envision washing it, sitting behind the wheel and feeling the joy of having it. I would imagine driving that car and feeling the feelings of owning the car of my dreams.  Bring all five senses and emotions into your visualization.

When you have added visualizations to your meditation for a few days, Email me and let me know how your experience has been with this exercise.


What to learn more about the "Law of Attraction"?  Check out the first twenty minutes of The Secret.


Intro page

Step 1 - EFT Tapping

Step 2 - Meditation

Step 3 - Gratitude

Step 4 - Affirmations

Step 6 - Putting it all together