Marlon Familton, MA LMHC
1601 116th Ave NE, Ste. 102
Bellevue, WA  98004

Does Your Life Have a Purpose?


Growing up we always seem to have something that is next.  There is always a test, finishing a grade, starting a new one, graduating from school, getting a job, finding a partner, and buying a car. It seems as though from age zero to our early twenties there is plenty to do.

Once we achieve much of that, life can shift into a more routine like mode.  Once we get married, buy a house, have children, move up in our career where there is not much more forward progress possible and settle into a long relationship, life can really become a daily grind. Wake up, shower, eat, work, home, eat, watch TV, go to bed, do it again.

Then one day you realize you're unhappy but don't really know why?  Life is good, everyone is safe, finances are stable.  Why feel unhappy or bored?

Human beings are meant to achieve, accomplish and move forward. We are built to learn and adapt.  When the life's tasks become so predictable and slip into being managed by our subconscious brain, we lose that spark of life that drives us forward.  Is this you?  Have you lost that spark?  Here are some questions that might help you see if this is true?

 Where do you want to be in...

One month?     Six months?    One year?     Three years?    Five years?

What are you doing to draw those desired outcomes (goals) closer to you?

When I ask clients these questions, especially those dealing with lack of motivation or even depression, the answer is usually, "I have no idea."  Imagine being on a raft, on the ocean, without a rudder.  The swells are going to thrash you all over in every direction from crisis to crisis.  Is this your life?  Time for a rudder and time for a North Star to guide you where you want to go.

Martha Beck's book, Finding Your North Star is a must read.  She is an amazing life coach who has written a fun book that I use with many of my coaching clients.

Realize that without a direction, without a purpose, you are missing direction. Of course you are bored, unhappy and don't know what to do!  Everyone needs a reason, a purpose to get out of bed and to look forward to something important to them.  It is what makes all the hard work of doing, worth it. 

So if this is you, it is time to think about what you want in your life and begin holding that vision in your mind.   That's the vision, next you will think about the strategies you will use and finally the tactics (steps) to get there.  Answer the questions above, write your goals, visualize them every day and you will be amazed at what happens. 

If you do not do this, I can predict your future with 100% accuracy.  If you continue thinking the same thoughts and taking the same actions, you will continue getting the same results.  Time to take action and create the life you visualize.