Marlon Familton, MA LMHC
1601 116th Ave NE, Ste. 102
Bellevue, WA  98004

How you Get Results in Your Life


Where our Results Come From

As a marriage therapist and individual counselor, much of my work is about helping people understand their emotions.  They come in hurting from a relationship, or depressed about their life because they hate their job, are not achieving their dreams and cannot figure life out.  Many clients come in confused about why they keep repeating the same self defeating pattern over and over.  Certainly everyone has a story - it is the story that we live on the outside that creates the story in our head - the beliefs about who we are or are not and what is possible for us.  Our results in life and relationships are directly related to our actions, which are driven by our emotions, which are created from our thoughts.  If we change our thoughts, we change our life.  Reflect on this for a moment:

Beliefs Thoughts Feelings Actions Results

The habits you have created and the beliefs you hold in your subconscious lead to your thoughts.  Thoughts generate emotions - did you know the word "emotion" comes from the Latin word "movere" which means to move?  So emotions move you into the actions you take. This is how your thoughts manifest the results you achieve or not achieve.  You can change your results by changing any one of these components, however for real lasting change, your beliefs about yourself, your partner, what you're capable of or what is possible, must change otherwise the new changes are short lived.

Why hopes, dreams and goals fail

Have you ever had a new year's resolution?  How long were you able to keep working on that goal?  Resolutions and goals often fade because we store the desired change in our conscious mind.  If we want to lose weight, but deep down (in our subconscious mind) have doubts we'll achieve our goal or really do not actually like our self, our subconscious beliefs are what will manifest as results.  You get more of what you think about. That is how our brain works. It tunes us into what is important to us.  If you are thinking a lot about how you are going to fail or will never do well, guess what it tunes into?

Do you dream about a bigger house, a nicer car, a higher paying job? Do you dream about vacations to exotic places?  Ask yourself, do I really believe all those things are possible?  Most likely hen you ask that question, your mind spews out something doubtful to dash your hopes and dreams.  I won't ever have that.  I'll never be able to afford that.  That will never happen to me.  That's your subconscious talking and that is what has to change if your life is going to change.


"If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right."  This is deeply and profoundly true!


Change your life direction by changing your beliefs

What if you are tired of your relationships being unsatisfying and unfulfilling?  What if you're sure you have more potential to earn more money, have a better job?  What if you cannot figure out how to change your life in a lasting way?  You have to change your thoughts. You have to change the subconscious programming in your brain that sabotages what you believe is possible. Schedule an appointment and let's work together to help you weed out those negative thoughts so you can lead the life you want.