Marlon Familton, MA LMHC
1601 116th Ave NE, Ste. 102
Bellevue, WA  98004

Anxiety can be Beat!


First, the hard part you may not like to hear.  Anxiety is created by your thoughts. 

Here is how it works:  beliefs create your thoughts, which fuel your emotions, that generate actions and those actions lead to results.

If you are thinking thoughts such as, "What if.... "   "What if I do something embarrassing?"  "What if I make a fool of myself?"  "What if I accidently crash into to the house?"   All the what if'ing swirling in your brain will impact your body. Your body is thinking, Holy cow!  The world is about to end!  That would make anyone anxious.

What can you do?

1.  Recognize the stinking thinking and let them go through you. When you have a thought, it is just a thought, there will be another right behind it.   Then find your thoughts funny rather than treatening, and intentionally giggle or laugh. It's hard to be anxious when you are giggling.

2. Ask, "Is this a true thought?"  You might feel as though you might do something embarrasing at the store, but is it true you will?  Look around and ask yourself, is what you are thinking actually true or going to happen?

3. Have a neutral or positive statement to say.  Say the word NEUTRAL over and over in your head or even out loud.  Thinking and saying the word neutral will block those icky thoughts from penatrating your head and effecting your body.

Give those a try and let me know how it goes.